Thursday 16 May 2013


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

ADOPTED - BONNIE Croation shepherd approx 1 year old female, looking for that forever home.

Bonnie is a female Croatian Shepard dog approx. 1 and a half year old as the vet says. She was found in the late afternoon in a bare field in the middle of nothing lying in the snow covered field. A volunteer spotted her on the way home from work, stopped the car and came up to her. She was frightened and immobile. She brought some food unaware of her condition. As Bonnie tried to run away, the volunteer realised her leg was broken. 

The volunteer picked her up, Bonnie didn't struggle, put her in the car and took her home. The next day Bonnie had an operation of her broken femur bone. The broken bone was fixated by a metal bar and has been taken out after a month. The recovery is going well, Bonnie is using her rear leg more and more every day. While walking slower she uses all four legs equally, sometimes she even uses the broken leg while running. Now it's been almost four months since she was found and for the full recovery she needs to walk as much as she likes for the muscle to strengthen. Though best would be swimming but at the foster home there are no required conditions. She has also been rabies vaccinated, micro-chipped and spayed.

 We guess she's been hit by a car or a truck and before that abandoned by the owner. First of all we think that she had an owner because her tail was docked as they do that in villages to Croatian Shepherds. One of the reasons why she has been abandoned is either she was too soft with the live stock or has been bred and after having a litter has been thrown out because not needed anymore, like they do with female Croatian Shepherds. These are common cases in the Croatian villages. One of the ways they get rid of the dogs they no longer need is by taking them to the woods and shooting them or tying them to a tree, luckily that wasn't her case.

Croatian Shepherds are very intelligent, easily trainable and completely loyal dogs to their owners which are all Bonnie's characteristics. She is a cheerful, playful young dog. She is calm and obedient inside and outside in the open. She doesn't even need a leash when taken for a walk because she follows your every step and looks up at you, never leaving your sight. She's friendly with other animals she lives with. She lives in a 40m2 apartment from the first day with one female dog and five cats. She invites the other dog she lives with for a play and cats feel free to come to her to cuddle.

 All the residents are free to eat her food or drink from her bowl. She is not aggressive to any animals but she barks to other new dogs until she is completely confident in them and sure they won't hurt her. It's not an aggressive bark, it's more of a scared and insecure bark though if another dog approaches her she will hide behind her human avoiding the dog. After a few encounters with the same dog, when she gets to know him and when he gains her trust she will play normally with him. Though if you are in an open field with lots of dogs she will ignore them and will only bark when they are approaching. She is absolutely harmless. She is completely trustful to humans, absolutely loves them and loves to cuddle very much. She is a sweet, gentle, intelligent dog that deserves a really good family.

Fully vaccinated to legal requirements for travel
EU passport


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